Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Midterm Predictions

If you expected to get any real insights on what will transpire in today's elections, good luck. Today is all spin tv with an aim to keep you watching, The rub is no real news until after 5 p.m. est when exit poll data should begin to become publicly available. That said here are my predictions for what they are worth.


(highest level of confidence to least)

PA - Casey (D)
OH-Brown (D)
NJ -Menendez (D)
MD - Cardin (D)
RI - Whitehouse (D)
TN - Corker (R)
MT - Tester (D)
VA - Allen (R)
MO - Talent (R)

Quick Notes:
In TN, a huge no. of early votes and bad weather in eastern TN, a republican stronghold, keep it close, but ultimately Ford falls. The defining moment wasn't when Ford "ambushed" Corker before a planned press conference, but rather when Ford decided to go for the upturned collar polo shirt under the navy sport coat. Way too edgy for the senate.

Republicans in NJ are (or should be) kicking themselves for not fielding a more formidable candidate than Kean Jr. He's got the charisma day old diner coffee. The twoubling speech impediment doesn't help either. Menendez was incredibly vulnerable in powder blue NJ in a lousy year for republicans. What does that tell ya?

Cardin is a lousy candidate that owes his job to a deep blue state. Steele ran a great campaign, but really didn't say much of substance. That said, he's a comer and will be back.

Tester beats Burns, barely. Any chance we can reconsider this whole deal with giving equal representation in the Senate?

Allen earns the reward for worst campaign (what the hell is Ed Gillespe doing?) and the largest fall from grace. Jim Webb likes dirty stories. I'm guessing Allen's name recognition nudges him to a narrow victory. This is a very iffy pick. Republicans were so sure of this seat, the vaunted 72 hour get-out-the-vote tactic is not in place in VA. Will Karl beat Ken Mehlman's ass if Webb wins?

MO is a true crap shoot. My pick is more about deference to Rove and the RNC. Talent is a good candidate with no apparent warts, McCaskill is a decent candidate, we may have to wait until morning to determine the winner.


No republican Hail Mary for a touchdown, but no democratic tsunami either.

Dems +21

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