Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Who Leaked the Hadley Memo?

Today's NYT front page leads with details of a "classified" memo issued by Steven Hadley, the Bush admin's National Security Director, that calls into question whether Al-Maliki is up to the job in Iraq. The resulting firestorm lead to Bush being stood up by Al-Maliki this evening in Jordan. Notable is the lack of screaming of treason by administration wonks regarding the "leak" of the classified memo.

My take - this administration intentionally and conscientiously "leaked" this message to send a message that it felt needed to be sent, but would have been difficult to deliver mano a mano by Bush to Al-Maliki. Fair game no doubt, but it should be noted that this administration, like its predessors (arguably more deftly and frequently than most), uses leaks to get out messages when it is politically expedient to do so.

What I find disingenuous and objectionable is when newspapers are labeled as treasonous. A free press is one of the best things about living in this republic. Attempts to silence or trivialize the press are ill-advised.

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