Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Cheney "Summoned" to Saudi Arabia to Talk with the King?

Reports apparently have it that VP Cheney's recent trip to Saudi Arabia was at the behest of the Saudi's. I'll try to ferret out some more details, but such a request is at the very least humbling. It's worth noting that in State of Denial, Bob Woodward's recent book on the Administration's mishandling of Iraq, it is readily apparent that Prince Bandar, the long-time Saudi ambassitor to the US, was a significant source of Woodward's. Bandar's relationship with the Bush family and GWB in particular is said to be extremely close. Moreover, Bandar made it clear that the Saudi's had serious misgivings about invading Iraq - GWB, despite not understanding the difference between a Sunni and a Shiite, knew better. OUCH.

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