Thursday, September 25, 2008

Paulson Plan in Serious Trouble

The House republicans threw the country and the capital markets a nasty curve ball by making an entirely new proposal for handling the credit crisis.  This proffer, made at the eleventh hour, at the White House meeting designed to show a unified response to a very serious threat to the US economy, has thrown the entire matter into chaos.  At this juncture, the equity markets seem incredulous.  While the future markets are down in excess of 1 percent, if Washington is unable to present a coherent message as to what is to be done to address the present morass prior to the open of the stock markets, the equity markets will react in a violently negative manner.
Let me be clear, I do not see the Paulson plan as a panacea, it what's on the table and it's what Wall Street understands.  Markets hate uncertainty, and what is happening now is absolute uncertainty, not good.

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