Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Rudy, Rudy .......

Rudy is on Hannity & Whoever can ineffectually sit next to him following the President's speech. He just compared the problem on clearing and holding areas within Iraq to the problems he faced in NYC, oh my, now that's chutzpah. Barring another serious attack between now an the Republican nomination process, the American public will get a frightening picture of what this megalomaniac is really like. Talk about unhinged, this guy is two cans short of a six-pack. This is not a nice man, his ego dwarfs that of the vast majority of politicians - and that's no small order. What do you think, Bernie Kerik for VP.

BTW Sean Hannity is a nut. He specializes in loaded, closed ended questions. Needlessto say details ain't his long suit.

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